SoccerHelp System and Philosophy

The SoccerHelp System and Philosophy

NOTE: If you want the best and fastest results, we strongly recommend you buy our iron-on incentive patches and subscribe to Premium. Many coaches see immediate results from the patches - their players try harder, hustle and come to practice. Read Letters from Coaches about the results they have achieved and how they used the patches. Drills train players to play slow -- our Practice Games train players to play fast. Think about it - drills aren't at "Game Speed" and aren't under pressure. Our Practice Games involve competition and players want to win the Practice Games, so they learn to play fast and under pressure. As a result, players learn faster and play better.

SoccerHelp Premium has over 1,500 pages, 5,000 links, 70 copyrighted Soccer Practice games and a 30-day refund policy. View a copy of the Premium Home Page   Read about Premium or Sign-Up

SoccerHelp is an innovative coaching system and philosophy based on fun and our copyrighted Practice Games which are "self-teaching" (players learn to play soccer by simply playing the Practice Games). The SoccerHelp practice method is 100% to 200% more effective than normal practices and, as a result, players learn faster. Coaches using the SoccerHelp system achieve more in 3 practices than other coaches achieve in 6 to 9 practices.

The SoccerHelp Philosophy is summarized by: "Better Coaches, Better Players, Better Teams, and More Fun". Players who are on a team that uses the SoccerHelp system have fun, enjoy going to practice, gain confidence and play with enthusiasm. The results are that they play better, enjoy it more, win more games (or at least play more competitively), are proud of themselves, and everyone (players, parents and coaches) will have more fun and be proud of the effort the kids are showing.

SoccerHelp Practice Games are better than drills because they involve competition and pressure, which drills don't, and better prepare players to perform under pressure in "match" conditions and at "game speed". It is one thing to perform an activity without pressure, but it is very different to perform the same activity at "game speed" and under pressure. Players improve more quickly and become better players when they practice at game-speed in match-related conditions. Most of our Practice Games are original and were developed by us; they can't be found anywhere else.

SoccerHelp Practice Games are better than other games because they are more efficient and effective. They are designed to meet 12 standards, such as: they minimize lines, maximize activity, maximize "touches" on the ball, one coach with no soccer experience can easily set up and manage the game, they are fun, kids learn legitimate soccer skills by playing the games, they can be played in a small area or indoors and they work for almost any number of players (and even or odd numbers). We DON'T use "knock-out" or "elimination" games which leave kids standing on the sideline instead of practicing.

We encourage coaches to be nice, happy, encouraging and easy-going at practice. We believe in positive motivation and don't believe in punishing a child who has tried their best but lost a Practice Game. We believe that soccer is no more than what it is -- a sport -- and that it should be fun. It can be a component in building children's character, but is isn't and shouldn't be the definition of their character.

We strongly recommend you read our Testimonials, Tips For Good Practice and Why SoccerHelp Practice Games Are Better.