Recreational & Select Soccer

There are 2 types of youth soccer programs; one is called "recreational" (or "rec") and the other is called "select", "club" or "travel".

  1. "Recreational" soccer is what most youth participate in. There are usually fall and spring seasons, the sponsoring organization lines up the coaches & recruits the players, during the season there is usually one game per week, fun & good sportsmanship are stressed & each player plays at least 50% of each game. Coaches are usually parent volunteers.
  2. "Select" soccer is more competitive & teams often practice several times per week & play year-round. There are usually try-outs for these teams, players can be "cut" and playing time is not guaranteed. The focus of these teams is often on winning tournaments & that is how their success is judged. They are sometimes called "travel" teams because they travel to tournaments in other cities. These teams often have paid coaches or a paid trainer.

Recreational soccer programs are mainly run by the YMCA, churches, Jewish Community Centers, the American Youth Soccer Organization ("AYSO") or non-profit clubs associated with the U.S. Youth Soccer Association ("USYSA"). "Select" programs are usually either organized by non-profit clubs or are affiliated with a recreational soccer association.