Coming Soon, Soccer Coaching Ages 3, 4, 5 and 6
The SoccerHelp Method
with Coach Doug

Coach Doug spent a season filming his team and then produced the most amazing DVD you have ever seen for how to coach ages 3, 4, 5 and 6. (This DVD is excellent for U-4, U-6 and U-8). This DVD was over a year in the making. You will be amazed at the results Coach Doug's methods achieve with normal kids. The DVD demonstrates 27 Practice Games, including new games that Coach Doug invented that are not on SoccerHelp. The DVD shows how to teach dribbling, passing, kicking the ball, how to teach kids to dribble toward the opponent's goal instead of their own, how to teach defense, how to teach kids to only use their feet (not hands), how to motivate and encourage proper behavior, how to deal with negative behavior, how to teach teamwork and "soccer sharing", how to get your players to bounce back up when they fall down, how to get players involved with practice, the equipment you need, how to deal with parents and more. The DVD also spotlights 9 different types of players and shows their progress and how they were coached, such as the very young player, the great player who is cocky, the new player who is scared and shy, the very small player, the large player, the player who doesn't want to participate, the player who won't pass, and others. It is a 100% fun and positive approach that any coach can use, even if you have never played soccer. Young children are mesmerized by this DVD. I'm very proud of it because it's so good and we worked with Coach Doug on it for over a year. SoccerHelp will offer a Money-Back Guarantee on this DVD. If you are coaching U-4, U-6 or U-8, you will definitely want this DVD, it will open your eyes to a better way to coach, your players will improve quickly and players, coaches and parents will have more fun. It is a bargain at this price. We expect this to be online by the first week in September.

View Video Clips of The Coach Doug Soccerhelp Method of Coaching U-4, U-6 and U-8

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