Free Editable Soccer Certificates and Soccer Trading Cards
Editable Soccer Team Roster, Yearbook and T-Shirts
Free "Soccer Kit"

SoccerHelp has put together some great resources for your soocer needs.

Following are ideas for the titles of soccer certificate awards and a link to a great free "Soccer Kit" that has templates for editable Soccer Award Certificates, Soccer Trading Cards, a Soccer Yearbook, a Team Roster and T-Shirts. Please send us any ideas or links to certificates that you think are good. (Contact Us Here)

Note that there are 4 general types of awards: those for "Best", for "Most Improved", for "Attitude, Effort, Character or Leadership", and for "Attendance, Parents, Coaches and Sponsors". You can also give awards for special events that occurred during the season, such as an exceptional play or effort. You can give the same award to more than one player (example: the "Hustle Award" or "Best Passing Award"). You can also give awards to recognize help you have received from parents, assistants or sponsors.

Link To Free Editable Soccer Certificates, Soccer Trading Cards, Yearbook, Soccer Team Roster and Soccer T-Shirts

The (Hewlett-Packard) site has an online "Soccer Kit" that is great and is free. It is the best site we know of for great looking editable Soccer Certificates (3 different types for players, coaches and sponsors) and Trading Cards (you can put the players photos and personal information on these), and also has an Editable Team Roster and lets you make a Soccer Yearbook and Soccer T-Shirts. To get there, go to, click "Home and Home Office", then "Creative Ideas and Projects", then "Sports and Hobbies", then "Soccer Kit". Kay found this site and the certificates look great and there are boys and girls versions. TIP: You might want to buy some card stock paper for the certificates or trading cards. The "Great Job" certificate will work best for the Awards listed below. (Note: there are 3 different types of certificates to choose from in the Soccer Kit).

See "Soccer Certificate Award Ideas" for ideas for the titles of soccer certificate awards.

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